Is Your Pet Diabetic??????

Many of us have loved ones affected by diabetes.But did you realize that those loved ones can also include your pets?(not lol) Like human diabetes ,animal diabetes is characterized by a high level of glucose in the blood .Blood- glucose  levels and the absorption of this glucose by the body s cells are regulated by the hormone insulin .If there isnt  enough of this hormone present , or if the cells cant use it effectively , glucose levels increase, which can lead to diabetes .
Know the signs : According to the experts at WebVet, often diabetes begins in middle in middle age. In dogs, it is more common in females and in certain breeds, including miniature  pinschers .In cats, males and females of all breeds can be affected , and the sexes seem to be equally at risk .Here are some signs of animal diabetes :
$.Drinking a lot of water
$. Losing weight
$. urinating more than usual
$ eating more food
$. developing sores
If you have notice any symptoms of diabetes, take your pets for a check up
Get treatment 
Very mild cases of diabetes can sometimes be managed with diet , exercise and weight lose. In most cases,however ,an animal will need insulin injections to keep blood-glucose levels in the normal range.Your vet can teach you how to give your pet these injections.
Keep in check 
Once a routine is established-including keeping meals and exercise consistent and administering insulin - and your pet gets used to it , managing his diabetes takes very little time,And your pet can enjoy a healthy life for many more years....!!!!!!!!

stay healthy.....!!!!!


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