Be Smart When Eating Out

Restaurant food often comes in big ,fat and sugar laden portions .Value for money,you  might think ,but;

# Have a snack ,such as fruit ,an hour before the meal so you don't overeat.
# Avoid the bread basket.It can represent  550 calories of refined carbohydrates and saturated fat.And some breads are fatty.
# Ask for sauces and dressing separately so they dont smother your food.
# Order two starters  instead of a large main course-one protein based ,the vegetable .Share main courses with a family member or friend accompanying you.
# Avoid "au jus" sauces.They are made of meat juices -ie,mainly melted fat.

Take supplements
You shouldn't rely on pills to meet your nutritional needs but a daily multivitamin can fill in,if there gaps in your diet .Make sure it has 100 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of the B vitamins 1,2,3,6 and 12 ,folic acid and vitamins C,D and E to cut in inflammation and homocysteine levels !


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