Bone Wise

Knowing the risk factors helps foil osteoporosis  

A recent global study  of osteoporosis in women shows we are too  quick to ignore the seriousness of the disease.According  to the study ,only 33 % of postmenopausal women with two or more risk factors - such as a family history,early menopause or coeliac disease - perceive themselves to be more fracture -prone than their peers .Its a worry ,given that 12 to 15 % of those with hip fractures die within six months from fracture complications or sub`sequent immobility .
No one can afford to overlook the disease .Over 12 million Indian men are osteoporotic ,and studies suggest that they tend to have bone loss at a younger age than men in other countries .
The urban male is more prone to osteoporosis than his rural counterpart because of a more sedentary lifestyle.
Understanding you have a risk , and taking it seriously, pays off , adds associate professor Jacque-line Center ,of Sydney's
Garvan Institute . "It is still speculative as to how bis- phosphonates (drugs used to treat bone loss) work in reducing mortality ," says Center. "But  they do decrease the risk of a subsequent fracture and in so doing may lower the risk of dying."


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