SKIN T he news gets even better for anyone who's thinking about or id already eating to boost general health,prevent problems down the track and feel fabulous .The same foods you're slipping in to your diet to do all that also keep your skin at its beautiful best.A groundbreaking study carried out by researchers at Australia's Monash University compared the skin of volunteers who had eaten distinct cuisines over many years .Those on a typical Mediterranean diet - one recognized as a key reason for the low rates of cardiovascular and circulation problems and the long life expectancy among southern European people - easily had the best skin.They displayed fewer skin problems related to aging. The key ingredients in their diet ? Olive oil.A fresh and varied supply of colorful vegetables naturally high in minerals and antioxidants as well as vitamins A,B,C and E .Unrefined carbohydrates .Teas, High - fibure foods and oily fish. This study clearl...