Vitamin B

Nutrition guide
Vitamin B foods

Vitamin B - Complex

Thiamine or Vitamin B1

food sources  Unmilled cereals ( wheat,rice,corn,oats etc)
Pulses , Red meat  (pork,beef,veal goat etc
Nuts (almonds, wall nuts,peanuts etc)
fruits,vegetables and dairy products .

Effects of deficiency 
Weakness and tingling  sensation in hands and feet , nervousness.
( 20 to 50 mg).

Riboflavine or Vitamin B2

food sources Found in most foods
Effects of deficiency 
Ulcers in mouth,burning sensation in the eyes ,scaliness of skin 
(5 to 10 mg)

Nicotinamide or Niacin 
food sources Liver ,meat fish whole cereals pulses and ground nuts 
Effects of deficiency 
Diarrhoea,mental symptoms,ulcers in mouth, headache insomnia
(100 to 300 mg )
Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6
food sources  Liver ,fish yeast,pulses and whole cereals  
Effects of deficiency 

Ulcers in mouth,nerve damage , convulsions and Anaemia  (50mg)
Cyanoco balamine or Vitamin B12 
food sources  Liver,fish ,egg and milk 
Effects of deficiency 
Anaemia , numbness and weakness

Folic acid 

food source Liver, egg, and leafy vegetables 
Effects of deficiency 
Anaemia ,soreness of tongue and general weakness.(5 to 10 mg)

( ** mg suggested requirements in deficiency diseases)


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