The Way to Stay Fit After Thirty

Here's why walking is such an anti-aging elixir

DURING your 20s, it seems that you can eat what you please and be as sedentary as a mountain with nary an ill effect.Once you hit your 30s though, the use-it-or-lose-it rule becomes urgent .If you continue your 20-something merrymaking,you turn into a blob.Keep at it until 40 or 50,and you will be a grumpy blob at high risk for a smorgasbord of nasty diseases .
Luckily there's a way to stay in shape after 30:walking ."It's practical,and you can fit into your every day routine,"says Mark Pereira,an American epidemiology researcher .Although walking is beneficial at any age ,particularly sensible for women in their 30s,40s and 50s.One reason:: it's easy to start-and stick to-a walking programme.Moreover,it's easy on on the joints."The impact is reduced  by at least a third compared to running,"says David K. Brennan ,a professor  of physical medicine and rehabilitation .Walking also protects  women from nearly  all the chronic diseases  that can come along during those years-and beyond.
Here's how walking can keep you fit as decades go by.

The 30s

Many women begin their 30s in complete control of their lives.Then come the babies,the responsibilities ,the extra kilos ."Generally ,women become a lot of less active during their 30s,"says Wayne C Miller,programme coordinator for a women's exercise research centre in the US."That's when they tend to gain weight."Thus,30 is an excellent time to start walking, if you haven't already begun. When you are sedentary ,your metabolism slows and you burn fewer calories .Walking briskly not only burns calories while you are hitting the pavement but also  after you finish."By building  lean muscle mass,regular exercise will help you maintain  a high metabolism,particularly if you are trying to lose weight by cutting your caloric intake,"Miller says.His prescription : Walk up to one hour a day ,two or three times a week ,and strength train twice a week for 20 to 30 minutes.
Another benefit from walking is all-day energy.physically fit people improve their  body's aerobic capacity and that translates into more energy  - which comes  in handy when juggling a career ,family and home ."If you are fit,not only are you more efficient at consuming oxygen while you are exercising ,but you feel more energetic throughout the day,"says Robert , chairman of the department of nutrition,food and exercise sciences at an American university.


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