
What is a polyhouse ? 

A poly house is a type of green house in which a protective shade of transparent ,ultraviolet polythene  is used to grow vegetables and other crops.Polyhouses are generally  semi-circular in shape but there are square and elongated ones too..First a basic framework using bamboo or iron roads is constructed  and then a polythene sheet is tightly  stretched over it to create  a poly house .Ply houses are generally built along the east-west  direction to make the maximum use of sunlight.The temperature,humidity and other factors that are essential  for a particular vegetable to grow  can be controlled in a polyhouse. For example ,in winter ,extra heat may be provided using solar panels .In summer ,the excess heat inside a poly house can be removed by circulating the air using exhaust fans ,coolers etc.Thus poly houses facilitate the growth of vegetables and fruits  at any of the year .Farmers can benefit by growing high-yield  off-season vegetables that are not readily  available in the market .The crops grown in a poly house are safe from hostile  weather phenomena such as heavy rain,hail storm,scorching heat etc and also from birds and animals .Plants in a poly house require less amount of water as water loss due to evaporation is significantly low.


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