The Magic of Mushrooms

Its after the rains ,and mushrooms are popping up all over. But dont eat mushrooms unless they come packed(and pick mushrooms from the ground only if you are an expert). You dont have to be top chef to prize the lush,earthly flavour of these fungi.But whether its dainty oysters or the familiar buttons, You will get some newly discovered health benefits : They safeguard against cancer . Mushrooms are rich in disease-fighting phytochemicals, and eating them regularly has been linked to a lower risk of breast cancer in studies of Chinese and Korean women. Mushrooms also prevent prostate cancer cells from multiplying in mice-and might do the same in men. They supply hard-to-get nutrients. One medium-sized mushroom can supply21% of the recommended daily intake of selenium and one-third your need of copper;it also has as much potassium as a medium-size banana.Mushrooms are just as rich in minerals, a recent analysis found.Whats more mushrooms retain their nutrients even when stir-fried ,...