Acidic foods take toll on teeth

An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it could also mean more tips to the dentist.
The high acid content of fizzy drinks, berry friuts, apples,grapes, fruit juices and wine can be actually wear away tooth enamel,and many dentists report the recent trend towards healthy eating means many of their patients are showing signs of wear on their tooth.
Prolonged acid wear, which is aesthetically unappealing , also makes teeth sensitive to hot and cold and can lead to series decay. While not a new phenonmenon , the fact that more people are snacking on acidic foods throughout the day means they are more susceptible to acid wear.
That does not mean you should stop eating fruit, but you can reduce the effect acidic treats have on your mouth.To protect teeth,it is important for people who drinks lots of soft drinks to consume more also helps to eat nuts or dairy products alongside foods high in acid.
Its also important to avoid brushing immediately after eating acidic foods.Thats because brushing can expedite the acids eroding effect on the teeth, according to dentist Shaireen Lalani.

"If you wait an hour , the acidity in your mouth is significantly neutralized", she says , adding that it helps to use a soft toothbrush......


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