SKIN CARE Papaya N o pill supplement can promise to be the elixir of youth.Yet many do appear to offer a relatively "natural " anti aging solution - something beyond surgery or " soft option" clinical treatments such as botox and dermal filler injections. Vitamin C ,which helps build collagen,one of the skin's natural binding ingredients ,is almost a given in most beauty supplements . So are B vitamins to battle dry,flaky skin and Vitamin A for its proven role in skin repair.Iron,copper,protein,folic- acid and vitamin E also feature strongly. Most beauty supplements also contain a selection of what are known as "actives." These, researchers have discovered,play a major role in diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and/or help to increase the moisture content of skin.They include alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, flax seed oil, green tea , soya , ginkgo biloba ,kinetin, copper peptides , chromium , selenium , magnesium , ...