Take a long, slow , deep breath

Expand and express your lung power and get the oxygen moving around your body!

Eat Smart  An apple a day keeps the doctor dude away or so it seems.Research shows people who have the greatest lung function are those who eat more than 6 apples a week ,or gulp down blueberry every other week Wheezing is also less is also less common in people who eat lots of apples and blueberries .Stock up on fish oil supplements because they are high in omega -fatty acids ,which target in flammation  ,a leading cause of most lung problems !

Exercise,energize,equalize Dudes , Exercise is the best way for a healthy life style.Its just as important bathing your body:there are no excuses to avoid it .Choose exercises that will get your heart racing ,stimulating a never ending flow of oxygen. Walking 20 minutes at a time,three to four times a day,improves breathing in people with lung diseases .So get in early and make it a habit! 

Open your window Whether you are cooped up at home or working away at the office , Its just important that there is fresh air circulating .Household products contain toxic fumes,so leaving windows open will maintain a fresh cool cycle of air .Also ,enforce :passive smoking can damage your lungs as much as the smoke from your own cigar would.

Try deep breathing before you sleep Your breathing should be slow and smooth -normal rates are between 10 to 16 per minute.Why not practise ? Breath in for the next three seconds .For ultimate relaxation ,attempt to do this every night  for about ten minutes before dozing off.Nudge your partner in the morning  and ask the unaskable: Sweet heart do i snore ?" If its a yes ,then see a sleep specialist and get checked for sleep apnoea .And don't panic huh ; sleep disorders are common ,but typically curable

Crunch it away The benefits of doing crunches is two-fold ; you will be ready for summer with your new defined abs ,and you can practise your deep breathing at the same time.As you strengthen your abdominal and chest muscles , you will eventually build up your range of heavy-duty breathing !



  1. Your are correct that taking a deep breath before you sleep may lessen snoring. Snoring may lead to sleep apnea which can be fatal.

    natural sleep aids


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