Diaphragm-- The best way to prevent Pregnancy!

A diaphragm is a soft rubber cup with a stiff but flexible rim around the edge.Contraceptive cream or jelly is put on the surface which goes against the cervix and the diaphragm is inserted in to women's vagina before intercourse.The diaphragm covers the entrance to the uterus and the cream or jelly blocks sperm movement .The user must be carefully fitted for the diaphragm and be shown how to put it in and take it..The diaphragm must be checked periodically to determine that the rubber has not deteriorated or ripped , and that the size is still correct(the size of the uterus may change after a full-term pregnancy ,abortion or miscarriage beyond at first 3 months of pregnancy,pelvic surgery ,or a weight change of 10 pounds or more .

** The diaphragm has no dangerous side effects,can be inserted well in advance of the beginning of sexual activity ,and is reliable if used conscientiously and properly .It appears to protect against certain sexually transmitted diseases and cervical cancer.

**Some women who use the diaphragm are more prone to bladder infections ;occasional mild allergic reactions to rubber or cream or jelly ,may also occur .Women with very short fingers may need to use an inserter.A diaphragm may become dislodged during sex if the woman is on top or has a relaxed vagina as a result of childbirth .The diaphragm must be cleaned and checked for weak spots or pin holes from time to time by holding  to the light and must be periodically replaced .Cultural  aversion to touching the genital area may limit its popularity in some settings.
Who should not use the method 
The diaphragm is not recommended for women with poor vaginal muscle tone,a sagging uterus , or vaginal obstructions.. 
Choices about procedure 
The diaphragm requires fitting and use with a spermicide.

 A diaphragm user with local irritation may have developed an allergy to rubber,cream or jelly.Urinary tract symptoms may be a sign of infection !..


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