Great tips for loss your weight  in this new year .........

tip1- Never tell anyone that you are on a following some weight loss tips or ant diet.

tip2- Consider yourself  as starting a new,healthy ,eating plan that  you will incorporate into your life -permanently

tip3- Question yourself truthfully to see if you are mentally prepared to change your life and follow these weight loss tips.

tip4- When you feel hungry, stop and have a cup of water .Wait 5 minutes and assess whether you are really hungry or perhaps there is something else on your mind. 

tip5- When you catch yourself looking for something to munch on ,stop yourself and do something to occupy your time .Many people tend too much when they are bored.

tip6-Remember to take it one day at a time.

tip7- If you want to snack ,make sure it is a healthy ,low fat,low -calorie snack.

tip8- Remember, fat-free does not mean you can eat the whole box!

tip9- When eating fat-free products ,remember to look at the serving size and calories .

tip10- Even if you are eating low fat, you must still be aware of your calorie intake.Calories can add up and you can gain weight eating low-fat and fat-free products.

tip11- When setting your ideal weight, be realistic and choose a weight that you can comfortably MAINTAIN ,WITHOUT much struggle, for the rest of your life.Many people choose a weight that is just not realistic for their body type and end up being discouraged and give up!

tip12- Use non-stick pots and pans.This will ensure  that you can cook healthier, lower fat meal.

tip13- Do not weigh yourself more than once a week

tip14-Eat more whole foods,natural products that have not been processed .

tip15- Try to replace high far ingredients in your recipes with  lower-fat alternatives. 

tip16- Saute your food in water,both wine or juice instead of oil.

tip17- Drink at least 10 cups of water a day

tip18-Limit caffeine intake to 1-2 cups a day

tip19-  Prepare a menu plan for the week ahead and stick to it

tip20- Use a list when you go grocery shopping , and stick to it !!!


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