If you are permanently stressed ,you double your risk of a heart attack.

Stress raises blood pressure,increases clotting and prompts the body of release the hormone cortisol which is linked to type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure .By contrast ,a Dutch study of 65 to 85 olds found that optimists  had a 24 % lower risk of  cardiovascular death.These simple steps can make you and your health healthy and jolly:

Laugh. It relaxes blood vessels and boosts blood flow by 25 percent

Get enough sleep. UK's Warwick Medical School found that women who sleep six hours or less a night are twice as likely to have hypertension as those who sleep seven hours or more.

Take a news break. A week without grim word events lightens the mood.

Drink and be merry. If you imbibe, try one relaxing alcoholic page a day but no more.

Diet. Follow a healthy diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables and a bits of nuts.

Focus and finish. Don't try to do too much at once .Complete one job then move to next.

Banish anger.It makes the arteries constrict ,the heart rate soar and the blood stickier and more likely to clot.When confronted with a frustrating situation ,count to ten(it shifts your brain from emotional to rational thought),breath deeply and try to give annoying people the benefit of the doubt.

from www.farmblog.net
 Keep your house clean and Listen to joyful music. it can be widen arteries by up to 28 percent,according to ultrasound scans.

Walk with your kids in the morning with fun (Go to the green (nature )!


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